Dispenser DSCSA Resource Page

Several Industry Organizations Collaborate to Create a DSCSA Dispenser Resource Page

The industry spoke in surveys and comments to the FDA on the need for more information and several organizations took action to help bring some needed clarity to understanding the Drug Supply Chain Security Act. HDA in partnership with APhA, ASHP, NABP, NCPA, PDG and PDSA have created a central web address for resources for understanding DSCSA.

The resources can be found at this link:


The site contains extremely useful summaries, FAQs, blueprint for interoperability, podcasts and education resources.

We encourage all members of the US Rx Supply Chain who need to understand DSCSA to review each of the provided resources.

We would like to acknowledge the efforts to bring more clarity through collaboration by these organizations!

Ready to grow your confidence in DSCSA compliance?