Manufacturers Utilizing Legal Action to Stop Counterfeit Distribution

J&J Joins Gilead in Filing Suit Against Distribution/Dispense of Counterfeit Product.

Sometimes it is hard to read a story that is so directly related to areas we work in and the recent news is certainly hard to read:

"a criminal counterfeiting ring that continues to actively dispense dangerous counterfeit HIV medication in New York City."

As supply chain professionals working in pharmaceutical distribution, we realize the negative impact these events have and are having on patients' lives and the hit to the confidence in our overall industry.

The "urgency of now" sometimes calls for leaders to step up for patients and do something more than minimal compliance to the letter of a law and more towards the intended spirit of the law.

These cases further highlight the importance of the ongoing industry work to define DSCSA 2023 requirements in a way that will more effectively protect patients. The US Rx Supply Chain is only as strong as it's weakest links and clearly more preventative and proactive approaches are needed.

We remain optimistic that the industry can rise to the challenge of keeping patient safety paramount by stepping more into new approaches that are now available through well established solutions. The times call for leaders to build the tools to empower supply chain stakeholders through front line healthcare workers to ensure that counterfeit products can be stopped before they are dispensed.

We are honored to know so many dedicated professionals working hard to learn from these events and prevent future incidents but we also understand that it will take all of us working together in new ways to solve these problems.

Mark Karhoff, TCC

J&J Reuters Article (April 26, 2022):

Gilead Reuters Article(January 18, 2022):

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